• Leeward Kai Canoe Club

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Leeward Kai Golf Tournament

Au Wa'a Charity Golf Tournament

Join us December 20th for our 2nd Annual Charity golf fundraiser, Au Wa'a. Space is limited. Register now at LeewardKaiGolf.com

LKCC Logo Products

Summer Membership

Fundraiser Collection

Established in 1967

"Leeward Kai Canoe Club has been a continuous inspiration in our community toward perpetuating the culture of Hawaiian outrigger canoe paddling."

Darin Pilialoha, Principal, Nanakuli High & Intermediate School

"Part of my role as its editor is to identify communities and individuals who represent the Islands’
in honest and lasting ways, all characteristics evident in Leeward Kai Canoe Club’s outreach."

Matthew Dekneef, Managing Editor, NMG Network, Hale Magazine

E kaupē aku nō i ka hoe a kō mai.

Translation: Put forward the paddle and draw it back. 

Interpretation: Go on with the task that is started and finish it!

Gift of Aloha

Your support will go directly towards helping a keiki or any designated member of Leeward Kai Canoe Club.
